March 9, 2025

Unsung makeup Heroes: Dr. Bronner’s All-One Hemp Lavender Magic Soap

Uh oh, it’s magic…

That Dr. Bronner’s All-One Magic Soap. Это магия. It has the power of mind control. It magically makes every single checker at Target stop mid scan to read the label, inquisitively raise an eyebrow, and sniff the bar no matter how long the line is.


This always happens. I’m not sure why, but it does.

The last time the checker was a 20-something-year-old dude who seemed absolutely at home talking shop about beauty, and it went a little something like this…

ME: It’s lavender. Doesn’t it smell good?

CHECKER DUDE: Yeah, but I can’t use soap because it dries out my skin. I use shower gels instead. Kiehl’s, usually.

ME: Well aren’t you in-the-know! I’m still trying to break my spouse of his routine of using shampoo for body wash, and it’s been 10 years. I bet you use lotion and sunscreen, too. how about conditioner?

CHECKER DUDE: Yup, I do. So is this soap any good?

ME: I like it. It gets all the gunk off.

CHECKER DUDE: Um…what exactly are you doing to get all gunked up?

ME: Well, I generally use it for washing makeup brushes, but it’s also good for, you know, when you’re all gross and sweaty and covered in dirt, like after a workout or cleaning the house, and you just want to feel really, really clean. It’s good for that.

CHECKER DUDE: and it doesn’t dry out your skin?

ME: Nope, not at all.

О да. talking appeal with random people at Target. These are the days of my life…


Кошки и макияж Толстовка ??

$ 42.

Магазин сейчас

I was using Burt’s Bees bar soaps to clean my brushes for a while, and I was delighted with them, but the bars had been getting harder to find out here for some reason.

Then up in Redding a few weeks ago I wanted to clean the couple brushes I had with me. I didn’t have the Burt’s Bees bar or anything else, so I used a bar of Dr. Bronner’s All-One that my mom-in-law had, and it worked great.

The lather breaks up all manner of makeup and rinses clean. It’s quick and takes care of all the gunk from even hard-to-clean, dried up concealer, foundation, cream shadow and gel liners.

Oh, and if you have a skunk brush stained by a bright pink or red blush, Dr. Bronner’s will have the white parts sparkling again in no time.

The bars are also easy to find out here. I always see them on the shelves at Target, Trader Joe’s and whole Foods, which is another reason I like it. The availability, and the fact that the bars are only $5 each.

I like it as a regular body soap, too — smells terrific and it’s not drying — but I think it’s an epic overachiever as a makeup brush cleanser.

The list of ingredients is short and sweet. It’s a vegan product, too.

I’m curious about one of the ingredients on the label… Please help me out if you know what unscented baby-mild is?

The soap even has a mysterious backstory, if you’re interested, up on the Dr. Bronner website. Apparently, the man who started the company in the 1940s, Dr. Bronner, wasn’t really a doctor at all.

It’s an interesting read, to say the least.


If you check out the website, look around at some of their other soaps, scents (Lavender is just one of many) and body care products. It’s a pretty substantial line of bar and liquid soaps, lotions, balms, shave gels and baby care products, and that’s just for starters.

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